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In-Motion Video Booth is a Hit at Macy’s Parade Award Show

Shake and Share Media Brings Cinematic Excitement to The Rollies

As you’re watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (either in person or from the couch with cranberry sauce in hand; we don’t judge) you’ve probably never considered just how many people it takes to put on an event of that magnitude. And, to be honest, neither had we! That is, until Shake and Share was invited to create a video installation for the Macy’s Parade award show: The Rollies! Each year, Macy’s hosts the show to celebrate their amazing team of volunteers. And, after five consecutive years of service, an individual receives the eponymous award!

For this In-Motion Video Booth, we really wanted to create something flashy and glamourous. This wasn’t just a fun activation, but a treat for volunteers who’d put tremendous effort into an iconic celebration. We needed to make them all feel like celebrities. And so, we packed the multicolored LED’s and all of the hanging beads that we could find! The finished set was bright and colorful and fit right into the theme of a glitzy awards show. Furthermore, because the space was dark (and the floor was beautifully patterned), we were able to expand the scope of the camera off of the back drop. If you don’t understand why this is exciting, imagine how much more beautiful a landscape looks when shot in Panorama rather than the default frame on your phone.

This turned out to be an extremely fun evening for all involved. Because our Video Booth was positioned directly between the entrance and the [open] bar, there was never a shortage of guests eager to step in front of the camera! We loved all of the videos created that evening. And were more happy to see the Macy’s team sharing them onto social media to spread the love!

Thank you to the Macy’s Parade team for all of their hard work! We can’t wait to see it pay off on Thanksgiving Day 🙂

You can see more from our In-Motion Video Booth on our website or Shake and Share’s YouTube Channel!

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